Lisheen Shigeshigetani T1001 - TOP 5% EMA and MS

Lisheen Shigeshigetani T1001 is one of a number of Shigeshietani sired calves bred at Lisheen in a departure from previous usual breeding concepts. T1001’s ebv profile currently shows a good even spread of multiple traits including the intended higher EMA RBY MS and MF ebvs. He is growing and developing well under paddock conditions.

As his name suggests, T1001 is an ET calf sired by Shigeshigetani and is out of a Sumo F126 sired Lisheen bred cow. F126 was widely used in the Lisheen fullblood herd to breed larger framed cows with good maternal and fertility traits while maintaining the ability to produce high quality carcasses. T1001’s dam, Lisheen P10, is a moderate framed cow that has Terutani 40/1, TF148, TF147, and Itohana 2 in her recent pedigree on her Dam side. She is a feminine, docile cow that displays good fertility and maternal instincts.

T1001 will probably grow to be a medium to larger framed bull. He should grow into a high quality sire with desirable traits that would suit a number of breeding applications. He will be further assessed in the coming months before being fertility tested and freeze branded (before June 2024).


Lisheen T2602


Lisheen Shigeshigetani T1102 - TOP 5% EMA and MS